Women's History and Women's Rights
There was a time when women couldn’t have jobs and had no voting rights. Women were property passed from father to husband. High-school student Melanie must learn how things changed.
We Did It For You! Women's Journey Through History is the story of how women got their rights in America, told by the women who were there. It is an entertaining and quick tour through the journey, starting with the struggle women had in the 17th century Puritan Revolution through to our 21st century empowered women politicians.
We performed this play live for years, both in person and virtually during the pandemic. We now have a film version with updated songs and a few surprises for those who have seen the stage performances.
We Did It For You!
Film Trailer
“I thought the film was fabulous. It was educational and entertaining at the same time. I think this piece should be shown to young girls to give them the opportunity to see what women have endured to get us where we are today. It also shows what women are capable of."
“This film must be see by every student is schools in the U.S. and by every congressperson. Powerful....it must go on."
“The play is one of the most entertaining and interesting re-enactments of the history of women I have seen to date."
"Never has my heart been touched so deeply by a production. I urge you to run, don't walk, to see this magnificent performance!" - Women's Information Network
“The performance was so outstanding and moving that I got goose bumps and cried.” - Lilly Ledbetter, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first act of legislation signed by President Obama
"An astonishing revelation of women's often unrecognized accomplishments throughout history, A multi century parade of feminine genius and courage ... with humor and fun.” -- Paul Williams, Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe Winning Songwriter
Thursday, March 27 at 4pm
The Pryde
59 Harvard Ave
Hyde Park, MA
Sponsored by LGBTQ Senior Housing
Sunday, June 1 at 2pm
Little Red Schoolhouse
370 N Washington St
North Attleboro, MA
Sponsored by the North Attleboro Historic Commission
If you'd like to host a screening, send us an email at info@wediditforyou.org
Check back for future workshops. If you'd like to schedule a workshop, send us an email at info@wediditforyou.org
Proud Partner
Suffrage100MA has been dedicated to commemorating the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which prohibits the federal and state governments from denying citizens the right to vote on the basis of sex. In 2023, Suffrage100MA will become an online Massachusetts Women’s History Center (MWHC) and Massachusetts Women’s Hall of Fame (MWHOF)! The MWHC and MWHOF will build on our work telling the inclusive stories of the suffragists, and expanding to share inspiring historical and educational information on the important contributions and challenges endured by Massachusetts women of all backgrounds over the centuries, and of major milestones in MA women’s history. http://suffrage100ma.org
We Did It For You LLC is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of We Did It For You! must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas”and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.
For any media inquiries, please contact info@wediditforyou.org
Tel: (562) 243-0191 or (413) 537-7582 | www.wediditforyou.org
Address: P.O. Box 731 Medfield, MA 02052
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